I could even do it before I got a copy of Burt’s QJ materials – though if you already have his MindBox recordings, he tells you the exact steps there. (That was my secret advantage - having his materials to compare..)
You see, it’s pretty common knowledge that this is possible. Practically, and before this, I’d already heard where ancient Kahuna’s had been using and teaching a version of this for centuries.
And recently, the dots were even connected to show that Napoleon Hill described it in his “Think and Grow Rich” – chapter 14 - concerning “Invisible Counselors.” (And Hill first published this back in 1937.)
Burt actually got his start in this – from what I can piece together (since Burt and I haven’t physically met or talked) – when he was one of Jose Silva’s top trainers for over a decade. And if you search Amazon, you’ll find books he co-wrote with Silva about the Silva Method.
Another clue I got was from Higgins and LaTourette’s Remote Viewing recordings (available on Nightingale-Conant). This is Silva UltraMind on steroids. In there, LaTourette points out candidly that when you use Silva’s “Mental Laboratory” exercise and ask for a spiritual counselor to appear, that counselor is actually you.
Now if you have been following Quantum Physics breakthroughs (like I’m sure it’s right on your To-Do list…) you’ll find that they’ve been actually forwarding this theory of multiple, forking universes for some time. And of course, that’s where the name came from (if Burt’s proof of this science leaves many scratching their heads.)
You do have to realize that when you deal with Self-Help, Personal Development, and any metaphysical study – you are actually in a scammer’s paradise. Because as long as you believe – anything works. If you don’t believe, then it’s just a scam. Nothing can be proved or disproved.
I do have to give Burt credit, however. In his MindBox materials, he really goes the extra mile to tell you exactly how to get this stuff to work. It has to do with the Intention you use when you start, during, and after. This is why doubting Thomases can never get this to work. And why a study from a couple years back found that 50% of the scientific studies contradicted the other 50%.
Now, Quantum Physicists have long known this, which is why those who appeared on “The Secret” DVD are known to have sought out ancient Eastern and other materials to understand what they had run into in their experiments. Over and over, they proved that whatever the scientist was looking for, he would find. If he wanted to disprove a colleague, he would. But in doing so, he just proved his colleague right. Because, as the ancient Hermetic principles go – “as within, so without.”
If you want to try this Quantum Jumping on the cheap:
1) Get a recording from somewhere of teaching yourself to go to Alpha Level of Meditation with the Silva Method. Practice doing this until it is easy.2) At Level, imagine some scene where you meet yourself in and “alternate universe” where you are an outrageous success at whatever it is you want to learn. You can go through a hallway of doors, or teleport there, or just have yourself show up in your own home.
3) Ask yourself what key advice you need to know that will kickstart your ability in this area.
4) Come “back” and apply what you told yourself, however far-fetched. Look for coincidences in the world around you which will help you understand.
Conditional: if you just can’t get it, then go back and ask yourself that question again, with the intention of getting a clearer understanding. Then come back and apply both advices.
- or -
Find and use the Huna “Magic Garden” technique. (Serge Kahili King describes it in his “Mastering the Hidden Self”.)
Read up and use Napoleon Hill’s “Invisible Counselor” technique…
In every case, you will simply be talking to an “alternate” you, even if it looks and acts like someone (or something) else.
Because, we are all connected – there are no limits.
The underlying point is to have faith in yourself and have an intention to succeed.
- – - -
Now, of course, if you have any trouble, just get your own copy of Burt Goldman’s Quantum Jumping and/or MindBox materials. Or try Higgins and LaTourette’s Remote Viewing or UltraMind recordings from Nightingale-Conant.
Or find a friendly Kahuna who can mentor you.
But it really can be that easy.